Hi, I'm Natasha!
I founded Encounter247 with a desire for all to be Encountered, Known, seen and heard. There is a large world out there and every individual has a space to fill.
Our future holds Transformational Theaters around the world that will bring all this online impact to life, in person. Stick with us, follow what we're doing, learn, grow, and maybe even join the team.
I thank you for taking the time to get to know us, what we do here and where we can serve you, your family and your community.
Abundant joy, hope and blessings,
~ Natasha Greer ~

Community Commitments
"Anytime you serve with us and build along side of us, we make you a part of our community. The values below are the foundation of what we stand on. We expect all those working with us to do the same."
Our Core Values

In all we do we look at how our actions can renew, restore, and eradicate things that are causing human misery.
We move with excellence as we bring the 'Grand' vision to all we encounter.
It is not enough that people, cities and nations are healed, but each are to be empowered to their best with every effort we take.

In all that you get, get understanding.
King Solomon - Proverbs
Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.
John - 3 John 2
In the wilderness, we prepare the way of the Lord... make straight in the desert a highway for our God, every valley lifted, every mountain and hill brought low, uneven ground becomes level, and the rough places a plain....